Speaking and workshops
Virtual workshops and high-energy webinars to support your hybrid ministry journey!
Ryan Panzer, author of "Grace and Gigabytes" and "The Holy and the Hybrid" provides keynotes and breakout workshops for synod assemblies and diocese gatherings. Ryan is also available for webinars, workshops, and other gatherings of lay and rostered church leaders.
Past workshop titles include:
Where To Next: Being a Hybrid Church In Our Eventual New Normal
Bringing Your Church Online: Digital Ministry Essentials
Beyond the Zoom: Next Steps for Online Worship
Staying Connected Online When Church Buildings Reopen
Faith Formation in Virtual Settings
Building Christian Community Online
Church Leadership Models for a Digital Age
Rethinking Community with Design Thinking
"Ryan Panzer occupies a unique space in the church right now. With
a rich professional background in the tech industry along with a
deep capacity for theological reflection, he competently guides
leaders through the increasingly complex technological landscape."
Michael Chan, Luther Seminary Professor and host of the Gospel Beautiful Podcast
"Ryan's integrated knowledge of the digital world and the faithful
mission of God's church is deeply needed in today's context. With a gracious presence, he invites all of us - whether novice or digital wizard - to consider the implications of a digital world. Most of all, his writing and speaking help move ministry leaders past the basics of"how" to the deeper "why" required to reach a new audience."
Dawn Alitz, Director of Communities and Coaching, Faith+Lead